We didn’t mean to visit Scandinavia – it was sort of by accident. Originally, Katie and I planned on attending Oktoberfest in Munich and sightseeing around Germany. I guess we enjoyed the country so much last summer, we couldn’t wait to go back.
One thing lead to another; Matt and Lyle decided to accompany us and then flight prices ballooned across mainland Europe. We already planned on taking the vacation days and as September was approaching we started to get desperate for an alternate destination. Matt jokingly checked the flights to Copenhagen and they were reasonable. So in the words of Hunter S Thompson, we decided to just “buy the ticket, take the ride”. Because of that, this trip might get a little weird. We didn’t do a ton of planning and our expectations are a little vague. All we knew was that Vikings used to roam in that area, but they haven’t been around for hundreds of years so it shouldn’t be a problem.
On top of that, we have a new addition to our group. Matt’s friend Chris decided to go globetrotting with us. He helps run an amusement park in Kentucky and had been wanting to visit some of the parks in Denmark and Sweden. It seemed perfect so he had to come.