From the sound to a glacier we went! Fox Glacier presented itself in a stunning manner. We stumbled upon rocks that can only be found in New Zealand. These have a green color to them because they are chloride schist. Yes, we did snatch some to bring home. Our tour guide was a fountain of knowledge! Some of this information includes the fact that this glacier recedes about a meter a day and the height has dropped about 50 meters in the last five years. He explained that the glacier moves like a conveyor belt, it picks up rocks and such at the bottom and then those eventually move to the top making it appear dirty at some points. Also, he shared that as the glacier melts it takes about five years for any kind of foliage to start growing. First, a red algae grows then a green moss starts to grow and together these two form a soil type environment for other plants. Therefore, we can tell how long the glacier has been gone by what it growing. That is the gist (well, everything I can remember) about the glacier.

Looks like New Z eland is the place to go. Stay safe !
Uncle Sonny